Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School

Banking and Financial System – second edition of the elite MBA | ADMISSIONS ARE UNDERWAY!
prof. Paul Krugman, laureat Nagrody Nobla w dziedzinie ekonomii. Wykład "The Future of Europe"

Admissions are currently underway for the MBA Banking and Financial System program at the Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School (SGMK). The program is designed for executives, company directors and managers who want to expand their knowledge of banking and finance. 

The technological revolution, impact of macroeconomic factors on the world of banking and volatility of business models require ongoing adjustment of operations, effective prevention, planning and response. Therefore, investing in high managerial competence becomes essential for the overall success and growth of every company.  

Graduates of the SGMK MBA program will gain prestigious qualifications during classes conducted by expert practitioners, specialists from the most important institutions of the banking and financial sector in Poland and abroad (the ratio of international lecturers is about 50%). 


Interdisciplinarity, Knowledge, Practice 
The MBA “Banking and Financial System” focuses on deepening knowledge, improving skills and expanding the intellectual horizons of participants. The program professionally prepares participants for work in the financial sector, taking into account market requirements. Its curriculum covers the topics of financial systems, the role of banks, financial instruments and monetary policy, combining managerial knowledge and skills with tools supporting the company’s value and risk management. The program will be conducted both in-class and in the e-learning format (lectures, exercises, specialized workshops, case studies). 

Graduates of the “MBA. Banking and Financial System” program will gain upper management skills in the area of economics, banking and financial systems. They will be ready for the roles of members of statutory bodies, directors of companies or managers in financial institutions. During lectures delivered by recognized market practitioners, they will acquire the skills necessary to function effectively in a business environment. Equipped in theoretical and practical knowledge, they will be able to skillfully analyze financial systems, apply financial instruments and manage financial resources. 

Economics – Admissions to the Doctoral School 
We invite you to apply to our Doctoral School! The Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School has just opened admissions for doctoral studies in the 2024/2025 academic year. SGMK incorporates in its academic and scientific activities the five “Copernican” disciplines and runs doctoral programs in the following colleges: 

  • College of Astronomy and Natural Sciences in Torun,  
  • College of Medical Sciences in Olsztyn,  
  • College of Legal Sciences in Lublin,  
  • College of Philosophy and Theology in Cracow, 
  • College of Economic and Management Sciences in Warsaw. 

More information about our PhD programs is available at: 


Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School 
Internationality | Interdisciplinarity | High quality teaching 

SGMK is a new public university that aims to educate the future elite by attracting and employing scientists, lecturers and specialists from the best research centers in Poland and the world. During the first academic year of the Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School, 54 doctoral students began their education. Lectures and classes were given by experts from top international universities (M.I.T., Oxford University, Stanford University, Princeton University, Harvard University, La Sapienza, among others), including a wide range of Nobel Laureates: Prof. Barry Barish, Prof. Joachim Frank, Prof. Michel Mayor, Prof. William E. Moerner, Prof. Arthur B. Mc Donald, Prof. James E.B. Peebles, or Prof. Didier Queloz. The culmination of the 2023/2024 academic year was marked by a lecture entitled “The Future of Europe”, delivered by Nobel Laureate in Economics, Prof. Paul Krugman. 

For more information, visit the SGMK website under the MBA tab: 

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