Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School


Welcome to the exclusive realm of the MBA (Master of Business Administration) – a collaborative endeavor by the National Bank of Poland, the Nicolaus Copernicus Academy, and the Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School.

Lecturers and subject matter

MBA. Banking and financial system | 2024/2025 edition

Master of Business Administration

MBA. Banking and financial system | 2024/2025 edition

The program’s aim is to impart participants with contemporary, thematic knowledge grounded in practical experiences. Lectures and seminars are delivered by a faculty of market practitioners recognized both in Poland and internationally.

This MBA curriculum is tailored for senior management representatives – including statutory board members, commercial company directors, and managers – who seek to expand their understanding of economics, finance, and banking, with a special emphasis on central banking. Offered by the NBP Academy, the Nicolaus Copernicus Academy, and the Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School, the MBA program grants graduates prestigious managerial qualifications and access to a unique reservoir of knowledge.

The inaugural edition of the MBA program was themed “Finance and Monetary Policy”, while the second delved into “Banking and Financial Systems”.

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Participants’ feedback

Adam, Director at a commercial bank:

An MBA is a ‘deep immersion’ into the financial system and central banking. Extremely interesting
material, presented in an interdisciplinary manner by outstanding personalities from the world’s
TOP academics and practitioners. It is also networking and established relationships that will stay with
us, after this amazing intellectual adventure. Definitely


Bartosz, commercial bank employee:

I see the MBA ‘Banking and Financial System’ as a unique opportunity on the Polish

market an opportunity to acquire substantive knowledge in the field of study.

What is important, in my opinion, is the international

lecturers from many prestigious and world-class universities, as well as other

– numerous lecturers – who, due to their senior positions, had the chance to
co-create not only European 
opportunities to co-create not only European
financial markets. The exceptional 
value is also guaranteed by the staff
of the central bank, as it plays a special role in the banking system.

a special role in the banking system – which means that representatives
of the NBP are perfectly suited to the subject matter.

representatives of the NBP fit perfectly into the subject matter of the studies.
I believe that the MBA ‘Banking and
financial system’ can be an important
differentiator for people professionally connected with the

banking/financial market and allows you to establish new and

perspective professional and private contacts.


Juliascientist, entrepreneur:

I am glad I decided to take the MBA course. High quality. Meetings

are led by practitioners and academics, specialists who contribute to the financial system

banking and the information infrastructure on which these are based. What do you want

more! Information from sources is the best if you have the opportunity. I am

inexpressibly pleased to have the opportunity to meet them and learn from them. Global

perspective. The financial system ties the whole world together. Therefore, it is with great

satisfaction I welcome the international lecturers. We talk to them about

international cooperation in the field of banking and finance, we discuss the

solving specific problems that arise globally. A close-knit

community with each other. Whether the lectures/seminars are held in the

Whether the lectures/seminars are held in the spacious hall of the NBP
or in the intimate halls of the SGMK, several times a day 
we meet in a comfortably prepared
backstage area with available 
coffee and snacks/lunch to get to know each other better
and strengthen our ties.

Contacts for life. It is not only the study participants who bond with each other.

The tutors spend time with us between classes and are available and willing
cooperation. I would love to see how projects would be created in

in which students would solve real world problems.


Marekexpert in investment banking:

I see the MBA course ‘Banking and Financial System’

as a gateway to the acquisition of advanced banking knowledge.

The international cadre of lecturers, their knowledge and practical experience
inspiring and shape our understanding of the complexities of banking.

banking. The diversity of perspectives and the global context they bring with them

the diversity of perspectives and the global context they bring with them enrich
my view of the financial world. My appreciation goes to 
NBP staff who decided
to share their knowledge and experience
. Their practical knowledge of
regulation, monetary policy management and the dynamics of financial markets

Their practical knowledge of regulation, monetary policy management
and the dynamics of financial markets is invaluable and has given the study
authentic character, combining theory and practice.


Lilianna, Product Manager at a commercial bank:

Studying the MBA ‘Banking and financial system’ has been
a unique learning and development experience for me. The range of knowledge

of banking, finance and economics that I learn about in my courses

the range of knowledge on banking, finance and economics that I learn in the
coursemeets my expectations and is presented in an inspiring way. The staff of

lecturers are an international elite of academics, practitioners and experts. A permanent

lectures delivered by central bank specialists are a regular feature of the course, which

in my opinion, fits perfectly with the substantive and practical scope of the studies

and adds to the unique status of the entire NBP Academy project. A priceless

priceless added value for me are the relationships with other study participants.
The Academy
has created an ideal atmosphere for creating effective and unique networking. 

MBA lecturers ‘Banking and the financial system’

Prof. Harold James, Princeston University

Prof. dr hab. Grażyna Ancyparowicz, były członek Rady Polityki Pieniężnej

Prof. dr hab. Henryk Wnorowski, członek Rady Polityki Pieniężnej

Prof. Fabio Ghironi, University of Washington

Prof. Barry Eichengreen, University of California, Berkeley

David Marsh, OMFIF

Dr. Aaron Mehrotra, BIS

Dr. Oleksiy Kryvtsov, Bank of Canada

Dr. Stefan Ingves, Toronto Centre

Ian Begg, Professional Research Fellow at the European Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science

Fabrizio Coricelli, Professor of Economics, Paris School of Economics- Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Birgit Niessner, Director, Economic Analysis and Research Department, Oesterreichische Nationalbank

Christos Pitelis, Head of the Department of International Business and Professor of International Business and Sustainable Competitiveness, University of Leeds

Mario Holzner, Executive Director, The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies

Magdolna Sass, Director, Institute of World Economics, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies (Budapest)

Fabrizio Giulimondi, University of Rome ‘La Sapienza

Jiří Rusnok, Governor of the Czech National Bank

Paul De Grauwe, London School of Economics and the University of Leuven

Charles Goodhart, Chief Advisor to the Bank of England, London School of Economics

Iker Beraza, The State Economists Corps of the Spanish Civil Service

Jacek Kotłowski, Ph.D., Deputy Director of the Department of Economic Analysis and Research of the NBP, Professor at the Warsaw School of Economics

Juliusz Jabłecki, PhD, Director of the NBP Financial Risk Management Department

Ireneusz Dąbrowski, Monetary Policy Council, Professor at the Warsaw School of Economics

Dr. Piotr J. Szpunar, Director at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

Dr Bernard Smykla, Legal Counselor, Coordinator of the Team of Legal Counselors in the Legal Department of the NBP

Grzegorz Pastuszko, Attorney at Law, University of Rzeszów

Dr Michał Konopczak, employee of the National Bank of Poland and Warsaw School of Economics

Dr Piotr Bańbuła, Head of the Systemic Risk and Macroprudential Policy Division at the Financial Stability Department of the National Bank of Poland. Assistant Professor at the Warsaw School of Economics

Dr Paweł Kowalewski, PhD in economic sciences. He works in the Domestic Operations Department at the National Bank of Poland.

Prof. Juliusz Jabłecki, PhD, Director of the Financial Risk Management Department at the National Bank of Poland

Prof. Konrad Raczkowski, Professor of Economics, PhD in Management of Public Institutions, Director of the Centre for World Economy, UKSW

Prof. Paweł Smaga, economic advisor in the Financial Stability Department at the National Bank of Poland

Paweł Sobolewski, Director of the Payment System Department at the National Bank of Poland

Robert Klepacz, deputy director of the Payment System Department at the National Bank of Poland

Przemysław Hoppe, expert with more than 20 years’ experience in IT in ITIL/CMMI-based corporate environments

Sebastian Ferdyn, Director of the Information Technology and Telecommunications Department at the National Bank of Poland

Dr Michał Gradzewicz, Economic advisor heading a team in the Department of Economic Analysis and Research at the National Bank of Poland.


Topics in the ‘Banking and financial system’ MBA course


prof. Harold James – „Central Bank Independence: Principles and Challenges”; „An End of Globalization?”.

Jiří Rusnok – „Recent inflation wave, Some lessons learnt for monetary policy”.

prof. Henryk Wnorowski – „Wprowadzenie do systemu finansowego”.

Dr. Aaron Mehrotra – „Fiscal policy and its interaction with monetary policy”.

prof. Barry Eichengreen – „Sanctions, De-Dollarization, and the Future of the International Monetary and Financial System”.

prof. Fabrizio Giulimondi – „Constitutional reform vescovi”.

David Marsh – „Financial, monetary and political stability: case studies from the Bank of England Two autumn upsets  30 years apart : Black Wednesday 1992, the UK ‘mini-budget’ 2022 – a comparative analysis”.

prof. Charles Goodhart – „Central Banking, Past, Present and Future”; „Central Banking Future Outlook and Problems”.

Dr. Oleksiy Kryvtsov – „Monetary policy and its communication: high-frequency effects on housing and stock markets”.

Dr. Stefan Ingves – „Some Governance Issues – How to run a central bank and other institutions”.

prof. Paul De Grauwe – „How to govern a monetary union. The case of the Eurozone”.

prof. Fabio Ghironi – „Aggregate and firm-level implications of economic sanctions, and the consequences of trade (dis)integration for monetary policy”.

Dr Iker Beraza – “Asset Management Companies or how to fight high NPL ratios inside the Eurozone”.

mec. Bernard Smykla, dr Grzegorz Patuszko – „Obieg informacji w systemie, tajemnica bankowa”.

mec. Bernard Smykla – „Rola NBP w ramach sieci bezpieczeństwa finansowego”.

dr Piotr Szpunar – „Podstawowe funkcje i podstawy prawne działania bankowego”.

dr Juliusz Jabłecki – „Strategiczna alokacja aktywów” oraz „Ocena efektywności inwestycyjnej”.

prof. Konrad Raczkowski – „Globalny system finansowy oraz System finansów publicznych w gospodarce”.

dr hab. Paweł Smaga, prof. SGH – „Ryzyko finansowe i ryzyko systemowe”.

Birgit Niessner, Director, Economic Analysis and Research
Department, Oesterreichische Nationalbank
– “Why do monetary policy and financial stability need good institutions?”.

Magdolna Sass, Director, Institute of World Economics, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies (Budapest) – „Indirect FDI and roundtripping FDI”.

Mario Holzner, Executive Director, The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies – „Major Challenges for CESEE”.

Christos Pitelis, Head of the Department of International Business and Professor of International Business and Sustainable Competitiveness, University of Leeds – “Global Business Strategy”. 

Fabrizio Coricelli, Professor of Economics, Paris School of Economics- Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne – “Monetary policy: New challenges in an era of large shocks”.

Iain Begg, Professional Research Fellow at the European Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science – “Completing a Genuine Economic and Monetary Union”.

Paweł Sobolewski, dyrektor Departamentu Systemu Płatniczego w Narodowym Banku Polskim, członek Rady Nadzorczej KDPW_CCP S.A., autor publikacji o rynkach finansowych – „System płatniczy – systemy płatności i infrastruktura potransakcyjna rynków finansowych”.

Robert Klepacz, zastępca dyrektora departamentu Systemu Płatniczego w Narodowym Banku PolskimSystem płatniczy – instrumenty płatnicze, płatności gotówkowe i bezgotówkowe”.

dr hab. Jacek Kotłowski Prognozowanie i analiza danych”.

Przemysław Hoppe – „Wprowadzenie do cyberbezpieczeństwa i regulacji obejmujących sferę bankowości w zakresie cyberbezpieczeństwa”; „Wstęp do praktyki zwiększenia cyberbezpieczeństwa w środowisku firmowym oraz osobistym”.

dr hab. Ireneusz Dąbrowski – „Współczesne wyzwania dla bankowości”.

Sebastian Ferdyn „Aspekty sztucznej inteligencji w bankowości”.

mec. Grzegorz Pastuszko „Obieg pieniądza w gospodarce”.


dr Michał Gradzewicz„Podstawy ekonomii monetarnej”.



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