Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School staff are amongst the academic elite of world universities, including Nobel prize winners, prominent international experts and outstanding Polish scientists combining research with business practice – repeatedly awarded, often published in prestigious journals.

Prof. Gertruda Uścińska
Rector of Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School
Outstanding lawyer and academic with several decades of experience, primarily associated with the University of Warsaw. She specializes in social security law, labor law and international law. She holds key positions at the University and in international organizations, including Chair of the Committee of Labor and Social Policy Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences and in the structures of the International Social Security Association (ISSA).
From 2016 to 2024, she served as President of the Social Insurance Institution, where she initiated significant reforms. She is the author of numerous scientific publications, an expert in research projects and a recognized authority in the field of social security both at home and abroad. She actively participated in legislative processes on key social reforms, including the COVID-19 crisis shield and support for refugees from Ukraine.

Prof. Gertruda Uścińska
Rector of Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School
Outstanding lawyer and academic with several decades of experience, mainly associated with the University of Warsaw. She specialises in social security law, labour law and international law. She holds key positions at the University and in international organisations, including as Chair of the Committee of Labour and Social Policy Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences and in the structures of the International Social Security Association (ISSA). From 2016 to 2024, she served as President of the Social Insurance Institution, where she initiated significant reforms. She is the author of numerous scientific publications, an expert in research projects and a recognised authority in the field of social security both at home and abroad. She actively participated in legislative processes on key social reforms, including the COVID-19 crisis shield and support for refugees from Ukraine.

Mikołaj Handshke
Vice Dean of the College of Economics and Management
Mikołaj Handschke, PhD in Economics at Poznań University of Economics, is a renowned lecturer and author of publications on economic transformation. His career combines academic experience with business practice, which includes serving on the supervisory boards and management boards of financial institutions, including Alior Bank and PZU.

Graça Rocha
Vice Dean of the College of Astronomy and Natural Sciences
Dr Graça Rocha is a prominent cosmologist specialising in the study of background radiation (CMB) and its application in modelling cosmic structures. Her career includes work at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, collaborations with Caltech and a key role in a number of significant cosmology projects, including the Planck mission, for which she and her team received the 2018 Gruber Prize in Cosmology.

Andrzej Niedzielski
Vice Dean of the College of Astronomy and Natural Sciences
Professor Andrzej Niedzielski is an eminent astronomer from the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, specialising in observational astronomy and the search for extrasolar planetary systems. Since 2007, his team has discovered almost thirty such systems, and one of them, named Solaris with the planet Pirx, has been given special recognition by the International Astronomical Union.

Fabrizio Giulimondi
Dean of the College of Legal Sciences
Fabrizio Giulimondi is an Italian lawyer and academic who graduated from Sapienza University of Rome, later specializing in European law and obtaining his doctorate at Gabriele D’Annunzio University. He is a recognized expert in the field of constitutional and administrative law, with an extensive scientific output of more than 150 publications and an active participation in research projects and academic institutions.

Paweł Lewandowski
Vice Dean of the College of Legal Sciences
Doctor of Jurisprudence specializing in canon law, graduate of the Catholic University of Lublin. His career combines judicial practice (diocesan judge) with academic activities, with lectures and internships in many countries, including Spain, the USA, Slovakia, Lebanon and the Czech Republic. He is a member of numerous legal associations, including international organizations, which underlines his recognition by the academic community of canon law.

Mirosław Lenart
Vice Dean of the College of Philosophy and Theology
Prof. Mirosław Lenart, PhD, is a Polish theologian and historian of early literature, specializing in Polish-Italian relations. He graduated in theology from KUL and Polish philology in Opole, and he has been a long-time lecturer at the University of Padua. He founded the Accademia dei Rampanti, an international association of intellectuals based on Christian ideas. He is the editor of several publishing series, including Archiwalne Źródła Tożsamości and Natio Ultramontana. He also leads research projects focusing on Polish-Italian relations and religious literature.

Andrzej Rynkiewicz
Vice Dean of the College of Medical Sciences
Prof. Andrzej Rynkiewicz, MD, PhD, is an eminent Polish cardiologist and scientist, mainly associated with the Medical University of Gdańsk. His career includes significant academic positions, including director of the Institute of Cardiology and vice-rector for didactics. He is the author of more than 250 scientific papers and supervisor of numerous doctorates. A member of prestigious cardiology societies, both Polish and international, he has been honored with numerous awards for his contribution to science and medicine.
- prof. Ciecierska Christina
- prof. Handschke Mikołaj
- dr Ancyparowicz Grażyna
- dr Piechota Jakub
- dr hab. Podkaminer Leon
- Biaduń Natalia
- Budrowski Dariusz
- prof. dr hab. Górski Krzysztof Marian
- dr Čemeljić Miljenko
- Kluźniak Włodzimierz
- Niedźwiecka Jolanta
- prof. dr Fabrizio Giulimondi
- prof. dr María Alejandra Vanney
- prof. dr hab. Mirosław Sitarz
- dr hab. Witold Mazurek, prof. SGMK
- dr Paweł Lewandowski, prof. SGMK
- dr Tomasz Rzymkowski, prof. SGMK
- dr Rafał Stasikowski, prof. SGMK
- dr Mariusz Miąsko, prof. SGMK
- dr Michaela Moravčíková, prof. SGMK
- dr Paolo Sommaggio, prof. SGMK
- dr Simona Terracciano, prof. SGMK
- dr Artur Krukowski, prof. SGMK
- dr Marcin Olszówka
- dr Beata Zięba
- mgr Sebastian Wijas
- prof. dr hab. Lenart Mirosław
- dr hab. Horvat Saśa
- dr hab. Mueller Gerhard Ludwig
- dr hab. Szlachcic Krzysztof Henryk
- dr hab. Śledziewski Sławomir Janusz
- Jörgen Vijgen
- Gaitán Mántaras Leandro
- Oviedo Torro Lluis
- Warso Albert
- Martyniuk Piotr
- prof. dr hab. Rynkiewicz Andrzej
- dr Morze Jakub
- Jabłońska Monika
- Loukas Marios