Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School

Meeting on “Suicidology” project with local government officials from Mazovia

On January 24, 2025, in Chojnów, representatives of the Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School met with local government officials from the cities and municipalities of northern Mazovia. 

The topic of the meeting was the implementation of the project “Suicidology – state of knowledge analysis and educational campaign”. The discussion concerned the organization of educational workshops aimed not only at providing information, but also at developing practical skills in the area of suicide prevention. 

Acknowledging the growing problem of suicide, especially among young people, representatives of local governments expressed great interest in organizing educational workshops in their areas. They pointed out the need to take preventive measures to raise public awareness and equip local communities with tools for effective intervention. They pointed to the urgent need to develop competencies in suicide prevention, which is a key element in improving the mental health of the residents of their regions. 

“Suicidology” project – a multi-phase educational and research campaign  

The project “Suicidology – state of knowledge analysis and educational campaign,” implemented by the Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School in Warsaw, aims to raise awareness of the problem of suicide and prepare a wide-ranging educational campaign. The initiative involves research at various levels of society, including educational, professional and medical communities. The collected data will be used to create personalized prevention strategies aimed at supporting people in crisis, as well as preventing critical situations.   

The project is funded by the Ministry of Science. You can follow the progress of the work on the project’s dedicated website:, where we publish updates on a regular basis. 

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